Why do people maneuver Off the Grid?

October 5, 2022

“Detached living” is fast becoming popular in our society.  Moving away from anything urban and towards all things nature is soul fulfilling and mentally / medically necessary in some cases.  A few major reasons include:


Our society is a grossly co-dependent one.  This has it’s advantages but when others can do what we need done 100% of the time, we become complacent. 


How do we know we aren’t great hunters, fishermen, farmers, gardeners, carpenters, taylor, butcher, equipment mechanic etc. Moving to the middle of nowhere and picking up on a few new causes might just renew our interest in life altogether.


Many are running into allergy & sensitivity issues from congested city life. To get back away from various pollutions is the difference between living a migraine or asthma free life. City conditions also affects those with mental health issues.


Switching lifestyles means trading mortgage and utility bills plus transportation costs.  When you soul search to decipher WHY your paying to heat & cool excess space or what the difference is socially of a neighborhood you’re in -vs- an area realtors aren’t clamoring for, the cost difference is astronomical! This is where the phrase “less is more” comes into play.

It’s important to not feel some neighbor or associate has lost their grip on common sense if you hear they’re options out of the corporate rat race in the big city for peace and solace. More than likely they’ve been plotting out the details for years.