February 23, 2023
Who’s all got Foggy Brain? You’re deadline busy at work or out in the car trying to get a million things accomplished and all the sudden if you don’t stop right there and take a nap you’re going to die of tired! It pops up out of nowhere after you’ve had a full nights sleep and proper exercise. Call it “overwhelm” or a blanket of thick debilitating gunk that swishes thru your gray matter and parks it there , the instinct is to grab the next caffeinated anything or quit your job right there on the spot.

I had a friend who shared with me a goldmine tidbit. I’m not even sure what triggered the conversation but he was a public transportation driver and at the end of the lines had a 7 minute or so layover til the next run/route. With zero passengers on board, he’d lock the doors, head to the back seat that spanned the width of the bus, pull out a travel alarm clock and take a 6.5 minute POWER NAP… It “re-set” his brain so he could clearly navigate. I know I’d prefer an alert 100% functioning driver every single mass transit or taxi trip I needed to take.

Funny Thing, It works!!! It’s actually inflammation that clouds us over and the trick to emptying your mind TO ZONE OUT that quickly is to:

#1. Imagine you’re floating in the air and tighten every single muscle as scrunched up as possible then fully extend every limb as if you’re releasing thick black greasy toxic smoke out of your feet and hands with as much pressure as a fire extinguisher hose or better yet a fire truck’s hose. As everything exhausts out, the consistency of the smoke gradually lightens up. The last little bit of clear clean frustration that you whip out empty’s any stress and fatigue as well as shut off the imaginary valves and relax.

#2. Tell your mind that you set the timer for 90 minutes. It will drop the anxiety’s that seconds are taking away. When it comes back with a “what if I can’t fall to sleep to re-set and my whole entire world crashes in on me because my brain hurts & I can’t function”, Tell it again you’re giving it 90 minutes of time out. Our mind plays tricks on us all the time. What we CAN DO is QUOTE pick up a few “ Back At Ya’s” to put it in it’s place!

To our heroes with autoimmune conditions, there are a ton of Magical “Notions and Potions” out there for a lot of dollars only because SOME things work on SOME people SOME of the time. Utilize the sources of proper sleep, nutrition, exercise, hot/cold water and imagery first to see how far that carries you. You’ll be surprised.