Who are Earth People?

May 27, 2022

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Whether their character and attributes have been passed down from 14 generations back like their genetics or a need to switch lifestyles sends them on their quest, the individual is holistic, organic, authentic, simplistic and in sync with the universe around them.

They’ve merged practices of the ancients with practicality of modern society.  It’s a super fulfilling place to be!  If there’s an illness or ailment, they’re the first to study it’s history and options to separate out long term prevention and healing from the “Urgent Care” quick fix.

Time and how they utilize it is as valuable as money.  Both end up being purposefully spent.  Life doesn’t just “happenstance” upon them. They’re not part of the mix that spends their weeks putting out corporate & domestic fires as their mind, body & soul gets shoved to the back of the closet to suffocate.  We’re more able to help others when our own affairs have been tended to. These human souls have their pockets bulging with pieces of logic, wisdom & perception. Five minutes in their presence provides you insight and clarity.

This lifestyle begins with: WHAT PART OF CAN’T, CAN’T CAN’T DO? (Meaning they optimize what IS possible) …for example… I can’t break away to the mountains, I’m feeling anxious and need clarity and that’s my “go to”! But wait… there’s a Home Depo water feature out y kitchen window and bamboo wind chimes to boot.  Do I have a week off to haul my gear anywhere? No.

I am, however, able to scrounge 35 minutes a day to just sit and ingest quiet stillness with my makeshift environment doing its thing in the background. My insides reap the same healing. One just takes more effort to load and unload things and stuff from here to there.

One thing that IS super nice about modern technology is, you can travel to your favorite world destination or “era” via remote control and big screen that didn’t used to exist.  It costs relatively nothing extra to spend Friday night in Europe and Sunday afternoon taking in the entire fall of the Roman Empire.

The recent pandemic, like those in the past, have altered our focus to seeking less chaos, more safety and serenity. We’re yearning for more meaningful relationships and an un-plugged lifestyle.  We can keep adding layers of all society has to offer, OR, peel it all back and enjoy existing surrounded by what matters most!