October 5, 2022

From the East Coast to the West as well as Canada and Europe, a new phenomenon is taking place with hyper increases in utility and fuel costs while power grids are outdated and deteriorating.

What steps are there to counteract what’s taking place and hedge against the inevitable?  I had a friend recently trade a vaulted ceiling condo do for the same square footage in a modular home. It cut the utilities by two thirds. Vaulting makes unutilized air space SUPER EXPENSIVE!  This led me to pondering the use of space in general.  How many “Empty Nesters” are hanging on to the mansion they raised their 5 children in solely because of memories and haven’t seen the upstairs/ basement / back of the house since Christmas when relatives stayed for the weekend.

Our thought process needs to set a one year course of action to determine use of space and belongings and to concoct “back up plans”.  A family meeting can outline the following:

  •  If a move is prudent (even a lower cost of living area).
  •  If the house needs remodeled to create an apartment type setting to double up on household income earners/streams of income.
  •  If a Tiny House on the property with some sort of shed would accomplish the same.
  •  If alternative means of heat, light and electricity needs to be purchased.

These are big ticket items but what better use of Christmas Bonus or Tax Return dollars coming up. The point is, we’ll get to the middle of next year whether or not we’ve made preparations to be there. Will we end up a helper or helpless in the family/community.