Causes Of Mental Health Problems

March 5, 2022

Mental health issues are on the rise. Statistics have shown that in 2019 alone, about 20 percent of Americans experienced mental health problems. They’re of different kinds, and some have noticeable effects while others don’t.

These issues don’t spare any gender or age and may interfere with how you relate with people. There are many causes of mental health problems, and determining what yours may be, will certainly make it easier to get treated accordingly.

While some mental health issues are hereditary, some others are a result of our past experiences, living conditions, and some other causes you’ll discover subsequently:

  1. Childhood abuse

Did you know that child abuse reports come in every ten seconds? Children are delicate people who are eager to soak in their experiences. You’d be amazed how much you can recollect from your childhood but may be unable to remember consciously. Some of these bad experiences subconsciously impact how we view the world and ourselves.

At the same time, we may be able to recollect some of our bad experiences, such as being physically, verbally, or sexually abused. They can lead to self-harm, lack of self-esteem, depression, among many others.

Childhood neglect can also result in mental health issues, such as conditions that make you overly reliant on others or fiercely independent to the point that it negatively impacts your development.

  1. Social isolation

We are social animals, so we rely on a considerable degree of socialization to balance mentally. As such, the chances of suffering from a mental health disorder increase when you isolate or avoid social interactions. It can increase your risk of becoming depressed, experiencing anxiety, dementia, and other mental health problems.

  1. Social disadvantages

Although we need social interactions to flourish, some of their effects on us can also affect our mental health. For instance, socializing with others exposes you to their lifestyle. You may discover some social disadvantages like poverty, better living conditions, feeding, among many others.

These situations may test your mental health, especially if you’ve made many futile attempts to correct your lifestyle situation.

  1. Grief

Some people experience mental health disorders because they can’t get over the death or loss of a loved one. It’s important to take your time with this process – don’t let anyone put a timer on your grief.

There’s also no right way to mourn. Do whatever brings you your much-desired relief.

  1. Unemployment

Losing your job can also cause mental health disorders such as depression, loss of self-esteem, and even self-harm. It gets much worse when you make several attempts to get a new source of income, to no avail.

  1. Long-term stress

Your body needs enough sleep to function well, which ultimately affects your mental health. The lack of relaxation can also make you unhappy, as your body will miss some chemicals that lift your spirits.


You shouldn’t take Mental health disorders lightly. If you suspect you’re experiencing some symptoms, see a specialist immediately.