October 5, 2022


To exist “ Off the Grid”, we’d need to think thru what was used before society’s inventions existed. 

   How was food prepared?

   What created clothes to wear?

   Where did heat & light sources come from?

   What took care of medical ailments?

As we take a look, many of those practices are a societal footpath or illegal.  If we take another look, 3rd world countries aren’t on much of a grid currently.  What are their practices and how do they manage?

There’s a balance between the two. For example, It’s a HUGE DISSERVICE to not allow our children electronics.  Computer illiteracy is like not understanding the official language of the country you’re in.  No matter what degree you’ve obtained, getting a job in your coveted field that needs to support everyone, can’t happen.  The evolution of technology changes ever faster. Skip a beat or two and you’ll never catch up!

What CAN happen though is focusing on a more self reliant lifestyle around what’s critical.  Just for kicks, don’t plug any kitchen appliance in for a week and figure out how to conjure up breakfast, lunch, dinner and cookies for the neighbor.  Another idea is to start purchasing “backup versions” for family gifts such as a sweeper broom, battery operated or solar power lamps/lanterns, a hand cranked mixer/blender, a book of home remedies etc.

Community classes on sewing, gardening, machine repair or butchering are entertaining and enlightening.  Try to Google or YouTube how to repair something and attempt to fix what broke. It will at least give you a better understanding of the item and how it functions so you can hold an educated conversation with the paid professional that you need to bring in. 

All of this brings wisdom, knowledge, peace of mind and satisfaction.