Savant Syndrome

March 6, 2023



The condition in which individuals with developmental disorders have a window (amazing ability) of exceptional talent or knowledge in a specific arena -aka- an “island of knowledge”. The word “savant” is derived from the French word “savoir” meaning “to know”.

This can be genetic from birth or acquired during childhood/teen years. To help decipher Savant Syndrome, the clue is an unusual brilliance in an otherwise Downs/Autistic/Asperger’s diagnosis eg; music, trivia, the arts, mathematics,statistics, historical facts, maps & charts or memorizing large volumes of pages or scores. Where a child prodigy has a high IQ overall, a Savant has very low scores except for their “ super power niche”.

MRI scans of Savants commonly shows damage to the Central Nervous System (CNS). Those who are CNS injury cases may also become savant caused by their injury. Half of the savant cases are found in Autism/Asperger’s cases, the other half in all other retardation, mental disability & CNS cases combined. Approximately one in ten Autistic persons is savant with cases more prevalent in males than females.


World Renowned Dr Darold Treffert M.D. creator of The Treffert Approach, has done more to assist bearers of Savants and their families than any other entity. Insights appear in over 50 national & international publications. He has also contributed to many many documentaries and has even consulted the award winning 1988 movie Rain Man with actor Dustin Hoffman playing a Savant. A couple of his books include Extraordinary People and Islands of Genius

One of the steps in assisting those with Savants is to have a complete evaluation to understand the underlying disability or disorder. Another step is to focus on the strengths of the individual. (They need a platform to utilize their gifts.) For in depth information contact The Treffert Center that was established by Dr Darold Treffert at

321 E 1st st. Fon-du-lac WI 54935 (920)907-3967