Puzzle Piece Brand

February 25, 2022

I’m really impressed by the puzzle piece brand campaign created in 1999 that Autism stands for.

Contrary to some, viewing it as a statement that Autistic souls are “not whole” or “less than human”, the logo is signifying to come together & work together to fortify and fill in!

Each family member, circle of friends and community associate has bits of time and expertise to piece together what’s missing. Everybody has little parts that come up short.  It should be a universal human race logo. It’s right in line with the dis-ABLE-d campaign billboard ad.

When you Google the word sensory games, Amazon pulls up a 21-pack fidget toy set for adults.  To look at the pieces, they’re everybody’s favorite trinkets growing up! If you’re old enough for nostalgia to set in, there’s a collector’s value on the original widget or gadget.

The book “High Functioning Autism & Difficult Moments” by Brenda Smith Myles PhD and Ruth Aspy PhD is in its 3rd edition…Why?

Because it digs into the root causes of “contrary behavior” of those with ASD (autism spectrum disorders).  It should be titled “Everyday Life’s Difficult Moments” and a best seller read for every family on the planet! You should see the community reviews section in goodreads.com.

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, this is your chance to:

A-   Find a cause

B-   Decide what skills/services you have to bring to the table

C-   Proudly put your PIECE IN PLACE!