March 15, 2022

As Mother Earth’s current tenants, have we “done her proud”? If we were her kiddo’s
and had a birthday every 10 years to college age, look what we evolved thru to get us “All
Growed Up”.

1830 Refrigerators
1840 Travel by Rail
1850 Sewing Machines
1860 Manual Typewriters
1870 Bicycles
1880 Household Light Bulbs
1890 Electric Washing Machines
1900 Travel by Automobile
1910 Travel by Plane
1920 Indoor Plumbing (still floundering
for hot water and flushers)
1930 Radio
1940 Mandatory Education to 12th grade
1950 Telephones
1960 Television
1970 Microwaves
1980 Internet
1990 Text Messaging
2000 Social Media
2010 i-Pads

Look what Father Invention lent to our upbringing in the science & medical arenas.
W O W !!! Touring our past helps direct our future. To be conscious to our environment and surroundings, we have to understand how we got to where were at. Something needs to support our cause. What’s awesome about figuring our past out is our current technology. The History Channel and Discovery alone take us RIGHT THERE! It “HANDS DOWN” out ranks anything we’ve ever retained behind a classroom desk. Our Christmas was a large order from Great Courses Ancient History Section. Somebody spent a TON of money putting the multi, often on site, lectures & documentaries together. It wasn’t us ( the “Recliner Club” ).