I’ve Got an Itch

March 11, 2022

I’ve got an itch! “Google a Dictionary” states there are 24 definitions to what itching is.  Really there’s ONE! … Whatever spot on your human or animal surfaces that wants scratched is called an itch.

There are probably 24 inappropriate situations for you to relieve an itch by scratching it i.e.; when making a business or events seminar presentation or in the middle of a live theater production as one of the cast, or a musical instrument competition performance or behind enemy lines about to be captured if detected.

Skin cells dry & flake day in day out. We’re constantly, subconsciously scratching as often as we’re blinking or clearing our throats. What we need is 24 ways to reduce/eliminate the allergy caused severe type itching before we go BAT CRAZY! Below are a few tips:

1). Baking Soda – dissolve 1/2 c baking soda in a tub full of warm water, soak in it for a good 15-25 minutes.

2). Epsom Salt – dissolve a heaping cup of Epsom salt in a bathtub as it fills with hot water. Temperatures should be between 92* & 100* Fahrenheit. Soak for at least 12 minutes.

3). Vinegar – 1c Epsom salt and 2 c white vinegar in a boot box size container of warm water helps with fungus caused itching and 1 part apple cider vinegar to 2 parts warm water helps kill bacteria caused itching.  After soaking the feet, use an exfoliating tool to remove dead flaky skin.

4). Cool damp Ice Pack cloth – Apply to affected areas for 5-10 minutes. The cool temperature can help reduce itching

5).  Calamine Lotion – is a medication that treats the mild itch from insect bites, poison oak or ivy, sunburned skin etc.  Zinc Oxide & Ferric Oxide is what heals the blisters & rashes.

6). Hydrocortisone Cream – another product that comes in over the counter AND prescription strengths, reduces the itching, swelling and discomfort caused by skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis & allergy rashes. It acts as a topical steroid.

This is where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Always be cognizant of your surroundings and activities so you can decipher what’s causing what. “Shoe shoes” & socks, an assortment of gloves for every occasion, long sleeves for long tree area activities & your favorite bug repellant and your good to go!