
April 21, 2023


I was teaching a Self Reliance class several years back and to help my students understand how to be creative with foods & ingredients on hand based on what loss leader or bulk food items could be purchased at a decent discount, I devised a simple chart of what could be mixed
and matched to provide nutrition.


I spoof-borrowed the Walmart line of mix and match kids clothing brand name “Garanamals” and titled my lecture “Garana-Meals”. While you wouldn’t normally make a turkey casserole with oatmeal or buckwheat as your base when the norm is pasta or rice, the thing holds up thru the baking process and serves up as nutrition on your family’s dinner plates.


These ideas and ideals for “scorched earth survival seasons” are actually for those preppers and minimalists to teach their families concepts of baking, nutritional value and how to stretch grocery budget dollars. The goal is to hold a weekly family cooking night or to place dinner prep in your family rotation chore wheel.


A natural consequence of implementing impromptu make-a-meals is that the kiddo’s will be able to survive starving student life with optimal health and energy. Fast Foods won’t be robbing them blind.         WHY?       The planner is designed to be tweaked.
The other day I made baking powder biscuits trading butter for corn oil and a mashed banana.  I’ve toyed around with ingredients enough to realize it would work. This allowed a friend who couldn’t have any animal by-products to enjoy biscuits with vegetable stew. Note the last paragraph, “How to purchase and use”… The first couple tries are where you tailor it to your liking and fine tune it as a family favorite.