What Takes Us Back

March 18, 2022

The words Farm Home takes us all back to vintage lifestyle stories and anything with horses, wagons, prairie wear, old town saloons & western showdowns that we’ve seen on TV.

When I was in grade school my grandparents owned a “Mercantile” 35 miles from any small-town civilization.  The structure was nostalgic enough to have appeared on the old Winston Salem cigarette ads in the 70s plus appear in the 1990s flic Thelma & Louise. At that point, the restroom facility was still up a hill out back of the store and didn’t come with a flusher. The heat source was a coal burning stove smack dab in the middle of the customer floor. They sold what would hold the valley over till patrons could get into town. (About 1/3 the products in 1/3 the shelf space as today’s convenience stores plus a limited supply of hunting/fishing supplies and mending/repair ”items”.)

This was super fun to go “work” the store with grandma on summer break. By age 12, I had my own big city agenda and had “graduated” from the lack of amenities of the 7am-7pm shift. Babysitting dollars were financing all sorts of who knows what & somewhere I’d failed the “Eat it up, wear it out, make it do or do without” mantra.

There’s a Hugh push to go back to that generation… back to the look, back to the relationships, back to the whole/real food ingredients.  We’re associating simple and minimalist with less stress and more enjoyment because of these mentor’s lifestyles. The word UN-PLUGGED didn’t used to refer to anything but the opposite of “plugged in” or “plugged up”. Now it’s associated with;







And fighting to belong to it and its effects. Thru this series we’ll take a gander at anything that creates the atmosphere needed to live a Farm Home Vibe so we can survive!