January 26, 2023
Farm House Vibe presents:

In every apartment complex and condo/townhome HOA bylaws there are regulations on pets… Quantity limits, size/weight limits, type restrictions for those who own or wish to bring in reptiles. Given the current economy and all the shared unit complexes popping up, HUMANS who become desperate for housing come with lifelong family/four paw relationships!

What are the answers to not having a yard for one who isn’t an indoor species or personality? A dog without any yard space needs walked more than once a day. (Double that for the puppy stage) The 7 lb yappers can get good exercise given a set of townhome stairs, a few toys and scheduled play time but the 60+pounder high octanes need real adventure.To consider adopting a pet or a move which includes a pet, what’s the family’s schedule and how close to an open area or park is the desired “regulated unit”?

An indoor/outdoor cat needs vegetation FROM the outdoors for medicinal purposes. Our indoor cats included one by choice and one by park management regs. We have a cat leash that is absolutely refused by said feline and strategically placed furniture that resembles a jungle gym in their eyes. (Lots of happy purr around but not so much company as they have no clue to display disciplined manners until everyone’s gone)

To remain fit just like humans they need lots and lots of activity and proper nutrients. To feel safe and relaxed when they’re all out of sorts, they need their own little zen space just like we do. They need their food and water bowls to align with their chest for proper ergonomics. A geriatric pet needs treated much like a geriatric grandma. 60 is senior, 80 is elderly. What does that translate to in dog or cat years?