March 22, 2022

We all practice some form of “natural self care” even without an awareness that we are
engaging in it. This is via taking long, well deserved breaks from work, evening walks with the
dog, washing our face nightly with our favorite soap, wash or scrub, drinking purified water etc.
A conscious decision to ultimately take care of ourselves and improve in various areas stems
from our initial instinctive daily practices with exercise, diet and sleep. Caring for ourselves
inevitably alleviates anxiety & stress. Taking the time for activities that make us happy such as
cooking, reading, crafts, a good movie or meditating makes all the difference.


A natural way to boost exercise is to play… Grab some kids or like minded buddies for anything
from yard games such as kick the can, hide & seek or red rover to anything on skates, bikes or
boards. Indoors are great too: ping pong, swimming, dancing, basketball etc.


Self Esteem Boosters equals Self Care! Remember the old grade school valentine boxes we
fabricated for the big day? Love notes of some sort were required from everyone in the class.
What’s today’s equivalent? Where’s our “keep sake box &  what’s in it”? Trinkets from one
who’s passed on? That funny note from a co-worker? A graduation announcement from one
who became your new hero idol because of the insane effort it took? A journal with entries on
the “awesome winner days”? Revisiting our box is such a boost!


Natural Self Care stems from healthy meaningful solid relationships. There’s a “Giver’s High” to
serving others. Kindness comes back ten fold. What else keeps us grounded or propelling
forward and interested in life itself? A good friend can do so much more than a paid licensed
therapist. If you want to care about YOU more, care about OTHERS more!!!