A Taste of Life

May 27, 2022

A close up of some food Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Off the Grid Living takes a look at

THE STAFF OF LIFE… and it’s workarounds!

Anything that you can quickly concoct that takes the place of a loaf bread.  Whether you suddenly need to avoid a store/neighborhood or there’s a run on the stores and shelves are bare, you can be the family that’s NOT AFFECTED!  Mull thru the following recipes, nab the base ingredients as most are common and attempt to have each family member perfect each one that makes your thumbs up list. Just to note, powdered or dry milk is fine for baking and a work around for buttermilk is one Tbsp vinegar per 3/4 cup milk or dry milk ( add, stir, set aside for a few minutes ):


1 1/2 c   flour                                    Combine dry ingredients, cut in butter til coarsely

2 Tbsp   sugar                                  crumbled. Add milk, mix until dough is stiff

1/2 tsp   salt                                      roll out on floured surface, transfer desired shaped

1 cube   butter                                  pieces to a greased cookie sheet, bake on lower

1/2 cup  milk                                     rack at 425 degrees for 5-7 minutes


2 cups    wheat flour                         Mix all ingredients, add enough water to hold dough

1tsp       salt                                      together, roll out on floured surface (thinner dough

1/2 c      sesame seeds                     makes a more crisp cracker). Cut into desired shape,

1/4 c      wheat germ (opt)                 place on ungreased cookie sheet, poke fork holes in

1/4 c      oil.                                        tops of cracker dough, bake at 350 deg for 8-10 min.

1/4 c     parmesan cheese

1/2 c     water (or a bit more)


2 cups   flour                                       Combine dry ingredients, fold in shortening add milk

4 tsp      baking powder                      mix til dough holds together, drop by spoon onto

1/2 tsp   salt                                        cookie sheet, bake at 450 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

5 Tbsp   shortening

1 cup     milk


2 cups   flour                                        Mix dry ingredients, add well beaten egg and butter-

1 Tbsp   sugar                                      milk (makeshift work around: add 1T vinegar per each

1/2 tsp   salt                                          3/4c milk or prepared powdered milk for baking).

1/2 tsp   soda.                                       Use egg beaters or mixer to create a batter. Place

1 1/4 C  buttermilk                                 by spoonfuls onto a hot griddle til golden brown on

1 egg well beaten                                  each side.