A Friend Outweighs Counseling

June 14, 2022

May is Mental Health Awareness month.  It’s been proven that a true friend or two far outweighs paid counseling… Why?  Because they’ve got a whole lot more hours in on the “real you”! Also, birds of a feather flock together. Common situations tend to navigate towards each other to become the BEST EVER support systems!  This happens with weight loss, addiction recovery military families, church choir… even the local mortuaries conjure up a “grief group” that navigates quickly from their monthly luncheons to rockin’ the town & seniors singles travel tours. This also rings true for special needs mental health.

I was reading thru a couple of NAMI posts (National Alliance on Mental Illness) that provide advocacy, education, support & public awareness. The sprinkling of nay Sayer “help seeker” posts in the mix of millions were upset that “they” the “facilitators” weren’t showering a plethora of free assistance upon them or freeing them directly of their family situation.  The godsend help comes from within the group’s members.  “Parents of” and “Siblings to” become seasoned and can reach out and help others they find trending in the same water.  the naysayer helps seekers felt the group should be defunded. (???)

Just to explain, the organization is comprised of individual contributors. Foundations and corporations who want to support meaningful causes sponsor them.  No gov’t entity set them up. Membership fees roll in for those who want to be members. That would be like trying to defund a bowling league that formed itself into a forever team.

When we develop an attitude of showing up to the potluck picnic with our best-fried chicken and famous potato salad, it means there’s something wonderful to give and something fantastic to get. What you have up your sleeve is exactly what somebody else needs for that week.