December 29, 2022


Author Connor Boyack



Those inclined to be aware of the political scene’s influence on education take action because they want a different pulse for their families.  This group is very much involved in attending school board meetings, homeschooling or very heavily supplementing with “learning experiences”.  They realize History and Current Events are being embellished, modified, revised, adjusted, adapted & altered to suit.

How do you compete?  Both actual events AND understanding motives behind slanting something is critical for children or teens to ingest if they’re to have a grip on society as they grow up.


A super inexpensive godsend is The Tuttle Twins Books.  This is actually one of those series that parents gift their kiddos because THEY want to read the books.

Author Connor Boyak has penned over 37 books that have sold nearly 5 million copies. Titles to include:


*Fate of the Future

*Education Vacation

*Investing for Kids

*Road to Independence

*Hyperinflation Devastation

*Creature from Jekyll Island

*The Search for Atlas

*The Constitution

*Messed up Market


To quote mr Boyack, “I’ve won awards, spoken on a lot of stages and any people have said nice things about me but I take the most pride in the personal impact my work ha had on others: The child who learns how the world really works, The elderly woman whose medicine is no longer banned, The ex-convict whose life is no longer ruined or the hustling teenager who launches their entrepreneurial venture.”