March 12, 2022

Raise your hand if you have kids.

Give yourself a gold star if you hold emergency drills with them!

What this helps do is alleviate one of the responsibilities/burdens off mom & dad depending on the ages and needs of the herd.  Does it help that each child has a duty and a pack -vs- mom shoving all 4 or 5 out the door to the car then running back to grab 72 hour kits for each with the in varying stages of panic?  YES !!!

What if each child’s pack is updated three times a year with 2 outfits, extra socks/underwear, a mini toiletry kit, small game, coloring book, doll/teddy bear, snacks they lie & a light blanket. That isn’t too much for age 4 to 12 to haul.

An older child could be in charge of a toddlers pack. What if one pack also contained the family sunscreen, another a first aid kit, another a radio etc…

A monthly family meeting to review & roll play evacuation tactics and to update phone numbers, medications, clothes or even the pack itself could end with a traditional treat or outing. If they’re involved, they’ll be less likely to buckle and more likely to let mom & dad take care of what they need to.