Exit Now

May 27, 2022

“EXIT NOW!” means different things to different people and “Panic Mode” pulls every response on the planet. When you hear the word “Survival Gear”, what comes to mind is extra state of the art equipment for repelling when you haven’t been camping, hiking or fishing since grade school. You flash a scene of being stranded in a desert or canyon 27 miles from civilization therefore envisioning a deluxe 72 hour kit and solar battery pack in the trunk.

Just for kicks, a decade or so back, along with teaching a community preparedness class, I had a dry run with my “ Significant Smother” at Grabbing essentials and racing them to the car. After lining our grade school age nieces up on the sofa and handing them stop watches & clip boards to grade our efforts, we Hilariously, Royally FAILED our survival get-a-way. I was laughing so hard at WHAT was being gathered after roll playing all week that I couldn’t focus to re-group.

I tell that tale all the time as a Funniest Family Highlight but have yet to refine the process so that at least SOMETHING becomes second nature t us. My plan apparently, is to send HIM to the car so he’s out of my way while I rush-grab crucials and essentials that now reside in a different location & layout… Who all sees 17 things wrong with my plan?

* What survival gear really needs to already be in the car and hall closet 72 hour kit?

*What pertinent information hard copies need duplicated and sitting at an alternate family member’s location?

*Do we seek out our “Exit” and formulate strategies upon entering a public venue?

*Have we created buddy systems or calling trees within our neighborhood circles?

Certain Geographical areas are more prone to keeping “Best Practices” on the front burner. For the rest, It seems like a bit of societal chaos is reeling us back to wanting a plan of action. Even employer evacuation drills have been replaced with on line modules. Not sure how that helps 300 to 750 human bodies practice exiting a facility all at once. A virtual fire extinguisher button in a tutorial certainly doesn’t equal getting to one, lifting or removing one, understanding how to unlock it for reals or feeling actual pressure flow thru it.

What was I contending with in my dry run? A special needs thinking spouse, a recent foot surgery and a set of town home stairs. What are each of us contending with? An infant? Three pets? An elderly parent? A broken down car? A work shift that’s away from home & family 82% of the day? A physical condition that can’t run, jump or lift?

My Survival Gear wish list isn’t your Survival Gear wish list because my potential emergencies and extenuating factors are different than yours.

Survival Preparedness needs Customized. It’s a process to put in place and keep re-vamped. I’m excited to glean and gather “Best Practices” for all of us.

Sincerely & whole heartedly,