Why Do We Need Survival Kits?

March 5, 2022

Nature has two sides – the nurturing and beautification aspect and the one that invokes disasters. Despite the magnificent views nature offers us, disasters can also strike at any time. Some say these disasters are nature’s way of controlling our population, but one can never be too prepared.

More often than not, we’re rarely aware that a disaster is about to occur, so many are grossly unprepared when it strikes – this can put us in challenging situations, such as being stranded without food, water, and shelter.

As such, it’s best to have a well-equipped kit that prepares you for anything, which means it must contain the most basic and versatile items, such as cutting tools, shelter or cover items, containers for any purpose that may arise, and many others.

A survival kit should provide:

The importance of a survival kit includes


The most important reason we need a survival kit is to offer us a bit of the comfort we’re accustomed to, even when there’s an emergency. This kit contains food, water, toiletries, and shelter in the form of blankets or sleeping bags, among many others.

When packing a survival kit, think about the possible situations where you may need it. That’ll help you determine the items that’ll offer you comfort when the need arises. For instance, if you plan to go on an adventure in the wilderness, your shelter blanket can be light-textured, as that area is prone to extreme heat.

Sense of control

When natural disasters occur, things may spiral out of our control. However, items like your radio, flashlight, and tools, can help you regain significant control over the situation. Survival kits are our way of retaining control in unexpected circumstances.


Every survival kit needs a toolbox that you can fill with the tools you’re adept at using. An indispensable one is a cutting knife, which can come in handy when you need to protect yourself. An adventure in the wilderness may put you and some wild animals in the same space, and your knife will undoubtedly come in handy at this point.


Most people pack a radio in their survival kit, and that’s because it ensures you always have access to appropriate platforms in case you need help – this is especially important in cases where you may lose your cell service.

Health care

A survival kit should contain a first-aid kit. This can come in really handy for treating small injuries and preventing them from getting infected. Ensure every item in it is still good enough for use.