What Am I Allergic To?

March 15, 2022

By the time I was in grade school, I realized I must have been born allergic to absolutely everything.  In my mind, it was one entire handicap or disability that caused this array of ailments. I’d be outside in bare feet or sandals in the grass & my feet would blister & itch, same situation with different desert dirt & sagebrush terrain at my grandparents. Any attempt to weed our garden would dry crack itch my hands & arms. Any bee, bug, ant, wet leaves, dry leaves… whatever contained dye or perfume, even my hand-knitted Afghan & crocheted poncho against my skin had to go. (Acrylic Yarn? REALLY?!!). I got to what used to be the ultimate “coming of age” pre-teen event of getting my ears pierced and was allergic to hypo-allergenic earrings. Mind you, 14K gold & grade-schoolers are like prescription eyewear on toddlers, a parent’s biggest budget black hole!

To this day I have a little box of single gold earrings that’ve lost their partners. Also, deep in my heart of hearts am going to invent something “earwear” in stainless steel and patent it because my gut instinct feels it would fly!

Luckily thru Halloween costume events & Community stage skits, I learned quickly to rebuttal anything & everything that one could plaster around one’s eyes, cheeks & lips. Having not taken the time or interest to research makeup products, there’s not a smidgen of it in my wedding photos.

I was finally, as an adult, tested thru a holistic practitioner who uncovered hundreds and hundreds of sensitivities. I didn’t even know that many products existed. Also, allergies & sensitivities come & go or can switch how they retaliate given different factors.  Research has come a long way in this arena and so have product ingredients. My parents had no way of knowing what caused which ailment. They weren’t in my skin to experience reactions or psychoanalyze every environment I ran across each day.

Hopefully, thru this blog, we’re going to uncover and discover causes, and remedies & God send products! There’s nothing like finding answers when you need them!


Earth People Ltd