Mental Health Assist

March 12, 2022


How many assist a situation but not in charge of steering the ship of the challenged “Guest of Honor”?  Our “Guest” with affected mental/emotional/physical ability’s day to day success is a result of a multitude of people, services & activities.

Have you ever tuned in to some natural disaster and followed reports that one who’s in the position, organizes a National Fundraiser concert, fair or drive then thousands and thousands of dollars pour in, some contributing more than others based on what they have, how closely they relate to the event, whether or not they participated in the prior calamity cause even if the purpose was to end up with some trinket the fundraiser offered as a lure. Each contributor creates a larger than life overall difference.  Take a look at the 911 twin towers event, take another look at those who were able to escape the holocaust. The difference between life and death was the bits and pieces parts that a whole bunch of different neighbors and citizens played.


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Our influence and effect in assisting an “in-ability” might be close to the situation like immediate family. A little further out resides extended family, co-workers, church and school community members. Next up are those affiliated by association like their local bank teller, store clerk, auto mechanic, bus driver, insurance agent and activities/events hosts.

I have in my shed a $180 value deluxe & in fantastic condition walker picked up from a friends Estate Sale for $25. It’s there for whomever needs it next.  What I need is to pick up education and insight on an array of human conditions so that my noggin is lined with experience and expertise for whomever needs it next.  To relate WHERE I’d come in… life is like a volleyball or soccer game. I’m one of several players on the court or field. Sometimes I’ve got the ball (guest ) I’m either there in that moment with my “A” game and next pristine move or I’m not. Whether or not our guest gets propelled forwarded or loses out hinges on me. That turn is short lived, my turns come and go as the guest is passed from situation to situation thru this game called life.

This blog venture is designed to “assist the assist”. Whether our position is the inner circle and direct or we’re an outskirts essential, we all question what our part is & how to best play it.

Stay Tuned,


Earth People Ltd