Off the Grid Living

February 24, 2022

With the new year, What’s the plan to separate our Home Environment from  Societal Chaos?

It starts with a “Things & Stuff” overhaul with a replacement list in one pocket, a to do list in the other and a mind that starts charting out what THE NEW YOU looks like. Life regarding foods and non-food items fair better if there’s a “ one in use, two on the shelf” motto and newly designated spaces for provisions. But Wait, where does extra cash come from to fund our new self sufficiency venture? That’s what our gray matter gets to mull over during the grand overhaul.  The “Grand Plan” may be to sell off the unnecessary & unwanted and revamp the budget. It may decide a little side hustle is the ticket. A couple shifts a week somewhere or a “Find a need & Fill it” gig works. Who doesn’t have a grand parent or extended fam who, back in the day, turned some talent or ability into extra grocery dollars? My own relative circle has sourced window washing, carpet cleaning, cake decorating, baby sitting, county league umpire/referee, piano lessons, home decor craft sales and that seasonal Santa get up.

Ramsey Solutions personality Christy Wright’s “Business Boutique” is the new “How To” for side hustles. You’ve got an entire community to assist with legally setting up and marketing a business. With your new “ use what you need, need what you use” mantra, clutter starts to clear from your home, heart and mind. Find the nearest makeshift magic wand or broom to jump over, The time is now!

Living off the grid -aka- detaching from the unnecessary, takes multiple steps to ease in to.  If you Google  “How to live out of your car”, you’ll realize there’s an entire movement that opt’s for retiring to a travel trailer and no residential address. There have been corporate executives toy with the idea of trading the health robbing gruel and grind for a homeless lifestyle til they’ve fine tuned how it would play out, sold everything and headed off into their sunset with a backpack, smart phone, gym membership, library card and investment funding for when they needed a taxi or couple nights at a hotel.

Most of us desire to exist somewhere in the middle of where were at and “ camping as a lifestyle” therefore start relishing those relatives 4 generations back that thrived in their “live off the land” era that had then running into town once a month for fabric & sugar etc.

We start comparing their happiness & health to ours.

Whether were at a point of detaching from public utilities or not isn’t the debate, finding a new “doable balance” is what were after.